Thursday, March 27, 2008

I think that Stanley "Tookie" Williams was truley sorry for his crimes that he commited.I believe this because he wrote children series that would tell young minds not to join gangs.It also says the danger of being in a gang.He also states that he prays for all the families and friends who lost or hurt someone due to gang violence.I really dont think that he was redeemed for his crime because of the fact that he doesnt even mention that he commited a crime in the apology letter.But if he is serious enough to wirte a children series,I feel that he is seriously sorry for creating a the crips gang.And that he wants to help end gang violence and gangs period.This is how i feel Tookie feels in the apology letter.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"COLORS" movie review

This was a really good movie. This movie talks a lot of truth about gangs in Watts, California. It show the reality of people living in this city. What shocked me the most about how this movie was produced was that this movie was made before the articles even came out. So this problem has been goin on for many years. Not just in the 1990's and the 2000's. It is basiclly the same stores which is kind of sad. The stories that are about how gangs in Watts,California.I liked this movie because it shows how gangs are bad.It also shows that how gangs such as crips and the bloods have a legit beef with each other nad will do anything to protect thier own.such as kill,rob,and severe injury to each other gangs.It also shows how life is like for these people that they have nothing else to turn to but gang violence.They need gang violence for protection and just because they really dont have an education so they really dont know how to interact in the real world.I think that the acting was very good in this movie.The cops really got into character and the gangs really acted like gang members.They even had what had to be done to be accepted into a gang.Like how you have to get jumped in order to join.I also thoight that the directing of the movie was good because of how real he got the story of the movie to react to the real life situation.So overall i feel that this was a very good movie and i would give it 2 thumbs up.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008